Harbord Kindergarten goes beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard in at least four of the seven quality areas:
Educational program and practice
RATING: Exceeding National Quality Standard (E) -
Children’s health and safety
RATING: Meeting National Quality Standard -
Physical environment
RATING: Exceeding National Quality Standard (E) -
Staffing arrangements
RATING: Meeting National Quality Standard -
Educational program and practice
RATING: Meeting National Quality Standard -
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
RATING: Exceeding National Quality Standard (E) -
Leadership and service management
RATING: Exceeding National Quality Standard (E)
The overall rating for a service is determined by the combination of the Quality Area ratings achieved.
If a service rated below the National Quality Standard in any Quality Area, the overall rating will reflect the lowest Quality Area rating. To achieve an overall rating of Exceeding National Quality Standard a service needs to achieve Exceeding National Quality Standard in four or more Quality Areas of which two must be from Quality Area 1, Quality Area 5, Quality Area 6 or Quality Area 7.
This service is rated overall at Exceeding National Quality Standard (E)
NSW Department of Education
Date of issue: 13 December 2021